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What is C4e up to?

Connect 4 Events & Entertainment is always on the move! We have multiple shows scheduled every week, many times, multiple shows in a single day. While a number of our shows are private weddings, private parties, and corporate events, we appear in many public shows around the Front Range of Colorado, and we'd LOVE to see you there!  Nearly all of our public events are family friendly, so grab your friends and loved ones and come check us out at some the public shows we'll be doing near you as we head into a great Summer!


In the meantime, here are a few of the things we and our staff have been up to lately. Keep checking back for pics and video and perhaps even a funny story or two.


You can also keep up with C4E through our BLOG, by clicking here! 


OR, you can listen to us talk about our crazy industry by listening to our Podcast by clicking here!

What We've Doing...

We've also been busy rehearsing for some huge upcoming shows such as our "World of Dance" show, and our USO shows at Orchard Town Center, as well as our Fourth of July Show in Fort Lipton which is always a crowd pleaser!


As we prepare for some big upcoming Summer shows, we're also still busy with other events such as the opening of the G-Line in Wheatridge, and Founder Princess Wallace continued to perform in her capacity as spokesperson for "Comfort Dental" (P.S. you'll be able to see her all season long on the big screen at Coors Field).

Upcoming Events

April 29, 2019: 7pm - The Melting Pot, LIttleton

Game Show Night! Join us for a family night of fun & games!

April 29, 2019: 7pm - The Melting Pot, LIttleton

Game Show Night! Join us for a family night of fun & games!

April 29, 2019: 7pm - The Melting Pot, LIttleton

Game Show Night! Join us for a family night of fun & games!

April 29, 2019: 7pm - The Melting Pot, LIttleton

Game Show Night! Join us for a family night of fun & games!

April 29, 2019: 7pm - The Melting Pot, LIttleton

Game Show Night! Join us for a family night of fun & games!

April 29, 2019: 7pm - The Melting Pot, LIttleton

Game Show Night! Join us for a family night of fun & games!

© 2023 C4E2

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